
Procedure, when intercepting military aircraft appears at your left

This double-page flyer describes the military interception procedures and what to do if you are intercepted. The product is in English.


If you would like to purchase more than 1 copy, please contact directly by mail.


(Within Switzerland: Postage and packing is included in the price)


The pdf can be dowloaded free of charge from the website of the Military Aviation Authority.

CHF 5.00

  • Ships within 1-3 days

Bundle ICAO chart + Area chart ICAO

This bundle includes the ICAO chart Switzerland + Liechtenstein, 1: 500 000 and the Area Chart ICAO for Zurich and Geneva Airports, 1:250 000.
A detailed description can be found in the included products.



(package and postage not included)

CHF 36.00

  • Ships within 1-3 days

ICAO Chart Switzerland & Liechtenstein

ICAO chart for Switzerland & Liechtenstein, 53th edition MAR 16 2024
Scale 1: 500 000
Airspace covered: GND - FL 195



(package and postage not included)

CHF 28.00

  • Ships within 1-3 days

Glider Chart for Switzerland

Glider chart for Switzerland, 33th  edition, 16 March  2024
Scale:  1:300 000
Airspace covered: GND – 5950m

The glider chart of the TMA Geneva is included in this product.



(package and postage not included)

CHF 28.00

  • Ships within 1-3 days

Area Chart ICAO for Zurich / Geneva Airport

Area Chart ICAO for Zurich and Geneva Airport, Edition 15, as of 16 March 2024
Scale 1:250 000
Airspace covered: GND - FL 195
The front side of the "Zurich Area" map covers the terminal areas (TMAs) of the airports of Zurich (LSZH), Bern (LSZB), Grenchen (LSZG) and partially Basel (LFSB),  and St. Gallen-Altenrhein (LSZR). On the back is the "Geneva Area" with the TMAs of the Geneva Airport (LSGG) illustrated in large scale. A basic map, now revised and specially adapted to the needs of VFR pilots, provides the topographic basics. Combined with the new, more readable depiction of flight safety information, the map simplifies orientation in the complex airspaces of the airports listed. A table with important frequencies for Switzerland and adjoining border areas was also added. The map is an ideal supplement to the official aviation map of Switzerland ICAO 1:500 000. It is updated yearly so it is always current.



(package and postage not included)

CHF 16.00

  • Ships within 1-3 days


all prices include Swiss VAT